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Global Transaction Partners supports buy-side and sell-side transactions by providing independent assurance through rigorous analysis of available data and determination of material issues - whether our clients are inorganically growing or rationalising their asset portfolios respectively.  

Our M&A Advisory clients include natural resources and energy sector focused corporates, private equity funds and governments.  We work very closely with investment banks, strategic advisers, lawyers and accounting firms on our M&A mandates to de-risk transactions.

Our M&A Advisory mandate leaders have significant experience on the owner's side in the natural resources and energy sectors - so are sensitive to the corporate requirements and dynamics during M&A transactions.


We provide techno-economic, environmental, social & governance (TESG) due diligence to support mergers and acquisitions in the natural resources and energy sectors.

Global Transaction Partners assists our clients at all stages of the acquisition process: 

  • Screening targets for 'strategic fit' 

  • Initial reviews = 'shallow dive' / red flag / fatal flaws

  • Detailed due diligence = 'deep dive' / qualitative risk assessments / valuation inputs  

  • Post-acquisition support to harness identified synergies


We assist our natural resources and energy sector clients with portfolio rationalisation and divestiture of assets which no longer fit with corporate strategy.  We similarly support government agencies with privatisation of assets.

Global Transaction Partners assists our clients at all stages of the divestiture process: 

  • Preparatory reviews and asset data gap analysis

  • Vendor due diligence

  • Data room population / maintenance

  • Deal roadshow support

For further information regarding our M&A Advisory or to confidentially discuss your proposed transaction - please email


Global Transaction Partners Limited.  Registered in England & Wales, number 11825871

Registered Office - Manchester House, High Street, Stalbridge, Dorset, DT10 2LL, United Kingdom

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